A Message from the Principal

Established in 1878, Pyalong Primary School is an inclusive and supportive government education setting for 67 students from Foundation - Year 6. The school is situated at 10 - 14 Bourke Street Pyalong, a rural area in central Victoria 80 kilometres north of Melbourne. The school is set in expansive grounds of approximately 7.4 acres with an oval, playgrounds, cricket nets, netball court and cottage gardens. Environmental projects include the kitchen garden area, chook shed, composting stations and orchard.

We have supportive parents, families and community groups who contribute to the wellbeing of the school by assisting with the maintenance of the grounds, classroom programs, whole school activities and the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. The Pyalong Parents Club are a committed group of parents who organise and run several fundraising events throughout the year including events such as stalls, barbeques and our annual 'Colour Run'.

We are committed to the wellbeing of all members of our school community and promote positive relationships through co-operation, mutual trust, respect for diversity and inclusion for all. Our students have the opportunity to work with specialist Art and Library teachers on a weekly basis through the mobile Art and Library programs. We strive to provide a safe, calm and orderly learning environment where students feel supported and are encouraged to reach their full potential. In 2018, we began the process of upskilling and retraining as a School Wide Positive Behaviour School. The SWPBS framework underpins the social emotional learning program for the school along with the Respectful Relationships initiative. The school recently modified its values to reflect the School Wide Expectations of 'Be Kind' Be Safe' and 'Be Your Best'.

The school implements a whole school consistent approach to teaching literacy and numeracy with the provision of a curriculum that is differentiated to suit the learning needs of our students and additional support is offered through intervention programs. Quality planning and assessment practices are a high priority. The school is committed to ongoing implementation of Information and Communications Technologies and utilities IPads, notebooks and desktop computers complemented by large interactive televisions in each classroom. 

Pyalong Primary School provides an Outside School Hours Care service that is open from 7:00am - 9:00am and 3:30pm - 6:00pm daily, providing care in a caring environment that supports the schools learning and values program whilst valuing and supporting students' interests during their leisure time.